- - - Old Mountain Farm Yelaina - - -
DOB: 2 March 2013 Sire: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B Grand sire: *B NC PromisedLand SayIt AgainSam*S Grand dam: SG Old Mountain Farm Oliv A SuddN *D 3*M AR 2727 (Littermate sister to SGCH Old Mountain Farm Swift-Leigh EEEE-92) Dam: CH Old Mountain Farm Natasha Grand sire: SG Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip +*B *S Grand dam: 2*M Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*D AR 2395 - - - Extended Pedigree - - - |
My photos of Yelaina do not do her justice. Trust me ... she is a beautiful doe with an an awesome udder - soft texture, big teats, strong MSL and loads of milk! As an added bonus, she has an excellent rump. Don't be fooled by her small size. At just 20" tall, this doe has it all! Her udder milks down to nothing and she has a strong will to milk - easily maintaining her lactation for over 305 days as a second freshener. It was an easy decision to keep her 2015 triplets (see Ramble On (Buck), Rain Song (Doe) and Kashmir (Doe).
Linear Appraisal:
2015: VEVV - 87
2016: VEVV - 88
2015: VEVV - 87
2016: VEVV - 88
Show Record:
2016: 1 x 1st; 1 x RCh; 2 x 3rd
2016: 1 x 1st; 1 x RCh; 2 x 3rd
Kidding History:
2015: Triplets - 2 Does/1 Buck (Sired by CH Wood Bridge Farm Apache Wind) All retained.
2016: Twins - 2 Bucks (Sired by Kyeema Ridge Banjo Paterson)
2015: Triplets - 2 Does/1 Buck (Sired by CH Wood Bridge Farm Apache Wind) All retained.
2016: Twins - 2 Bucks (Sired by Kyeema Ridge Banjo Paterson)
Photos of Old Mountain Farm Natasha, Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again and Old Mountain Farm Oliv A SuddN courtesy of Cheryle Moore-Smith.