- - - 2014 Kidding Schedule - - -
Our goal is to breed structurally sound and conformationally correct Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats that are easy to milk and know how to fill the milk pail! To that end, we take great care in selecting our breeding pairs. Our focus is always on producing kids that will be shining examples of their breed.
You will notice that we do not offer very many buck kids for sale. We believe that the proof of a good buck is in the quality of his daughters and therefore we will rarely offer buck kids for sale until the sire has proven himself by consistently producing high-quality does with strong, well-attached, productive udders. Bucklings that are not destined to be future herd sires will be sold as wethers.
We reserve the right to retain any kids for our own herd. Prices may also be adjusted after the doe has kidded and we have an opportunity to assess her udder.
Reservations are accepted at any time. You will find our sales policy on the Sales page. Please send an email if you would like to reserve a kid - [email protected].
Full details and photos of 2014 kids, including those available for sale, can be seen on the 2014 Kids page.
You will notice that we do not offer very many buck kids for sale. We believe that the proof of a good buck is in the quality of his daughters and therefore we will rarely offer buck kids for sale until the sire has proven himself by consistently producing high-quality does with strong, well-attached, productive udders. Bucklings that are not destined to be future herd sires will be sold as wethers.
We reserve the right to retain any kids for our own herd. Prices may also be adjusted after the doe has kidded and we have an opportunity to assess her udder.
Reservations are accepted at any time. You will find our sales policy on the Sales page. Please send an email if you would like to reserve a kid - [email protected].
Full details and photos of 2014 kids, including those available for sale, can be seen on the 2014 Kids page.
2014 Kidding Schedule (Sorted alphabetically by Doe's Name)
DOEKyeema Ridge HNC A Cappella
DUE DATEKids Due: 13 March 2014
Does $500 / Bucks $400 Kidded: 12 March 2014 Twins: Buck/Doe Buck Available Doe Retained This is a repeat of the 2011 and 2012 breedings. We regreted selling the doeling born in 2012. Hoping that Pella will give us another doeling in 2014 - she will definitely be a keeper.
Pella was beautiful as a junior (placing 1st at almost every show!) and has continued to improve with every freshening - scoring VEEE (90) at LA in 2013. |
BUCKDragonfly HX Altjira
Dawnland TCP Butterfly Song
Kids Due: 7 April 2014
Does $450 / Bucks $350 "Sing Song" has matured into a striking doe with a gorgeous topline and one of the flatest rumps we have ever seen on a Nigerian Dwarf doe. Thrilled, of course, that she also possesses a "glued-on" and capacious udder! Although this is hardly surprising when you consider the genetics in her family tree.
Old Mountain Farm Pasang
Kyeema Ridge KB Elle Esse
Kids Due: 13 April 2014
Does $550 / Bucks $450 Kidded: 12 April 2014
Quintuplets: 4 Bucks/1 Doe 1st Buck & Doe Retained This is a repeat of the breeding that produced two beautiful doelings in 2013. Hoping for a buck this time!
Elle Esse is like a younger version of her beautiful dam, Swift-Leigh, and scored an elusive "E" for her rump when LA'd in 2013. |
Dragonfly HX Altjira
Dragonfly RY Kata Tjuta
Kids Due: 8 April 2014
Does $500 / Bucks $400 Kidded: 12 April 2014
Single Doe (Retained) Ju-Ju is half-sister of the 2011 ADGA National Champion. (Wish we could get a better photo that really shows how lovely she is!) Banjo is nephew to the beautiful Swift-Leigh and is yet another example of the quality of the Halifax line. His dam, Tanunda, scored "E" for her mammary at LA.
Kyeema Ridge Banjo Paterson
Kyeema Ridge Madison Blues
Kids Due: 13 March 2014
Does $500 / Bucks $400 Kidded: 15 March 2014
Twins: Buck/Doe Buck Retained. These are Renegade's first kids and they are as nice as we hoped they would be! Maddie's udder was great last year but it is even better this time. Not a single thing I would change. |
Dragonfly CRH Renegade
Lost Valley MR Megan
Kids Due: 15 March 2014
Does $500 / Bucks $400 Kidded: 13 March 2014
Triplets: 2 Bucks/1 Doe (2nd buck deceased) This is a repeat of the breeding that gave us our lovely Terra. |
Dragonfly HX Altjira
Kyeema Ridge GT Mystify
Kids Due: 19 March 2014
Does $500 / Bucks $400 Kidded: 17 March 2014
Quads: 3 Bucks/1 Doe Mystify scored EEEV (90) at LA in 2013. It was an easy decision to pair her with Checkers. He is a lovely buck with a wonderful pedigree behind him and is consistently siring gorgeous kids. We have no doubt that this breeding will produce some of our nicest kids for 2014. |
Dawnland Tabby's Checkerspot
Sandy Hollow UK Panda
Kids Due: 18 March 2014
Does $450 / Bucks $350 Kidded: 17 March 2014
Twin Does 1st doe retained; 2nd doe DOA A match that promises show-quality conformation as well as lots of milk. Panda's lovely Rosasharn genetics shine through. She appears ageless and continues to be one of our best producers.
Buttin' Heads Martinique
Rosasharn KB Pepper Corn
Kids Due: 12 March 2014
Does $500 / Bucks $400 Kidded: 15 March 2014 Triplets: 1 Buck/2 Does The pairing of two of our favorites. Pepper's kids are consistently strong in conformation and we think this breeding to Martinique is loaded with potential both in the show ring and the milk pail! Hoping that Pepper will grace us with at least one doeling to keep for our own herd.
Update: The kids are stunning! Every bit as nice as we expected them to be. Doe retained. |
Buttin' Heads Martinique
Kyeema Ridge KB Picasso Marble
Kids Due: 7 June 2014
Does $300 / Bucks TBD (Polled kids possible.)
We are thrilled to have Marble back in our herd. She is a very promising young doe with an impressive pedigree behind her. Looking forward to seeing the kids from this breeding! |
Dawnland Tabby's Checkerspot
Dragonfly HX Tanunda
Kids Due: 13 June 2014
Does $550 / Bucks $450 Kidded:
Quadruplets: 2 Does/2 Bucks 1st doe retained. Tanunda delivered four drop-dead-gorgeous kids. I would be happy to keep them all! I took her to the ADGA Nationals at just 4 weeks fresh and she placed in the top 10 of her class despite the fact that we clipped her too short (she looked bald!), she HATES being in the show ring, and has not been away from the farm in three years! She yelled the whole time she was in the ring and refused to be set up - especially when the judges were watching <G>.
Dragonfly CRH Renegade